A WKNC podcast that explores some of Earth's ancient treasures and uncovers the stories they have to tell.

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Patagotitan: The Biggest Dinosaur?

 Was this dinosaur the biggest land animal of all time? Scrimble discusses the Patagotitan and the fossils it left behind.

Ichthyosaur: The Dinosaur That Started A Marine Revolution

How did this dinosaur become one of the most diverse and successful predators in the ocean? Scrimble explores the ichthyosaur and its impacts on the ocean ecosystem to...

Coelacanth: The Fish That Came Back From The Dead

How did this fish come back from the dead after 66 million years? Scrimble analyzes the coelacanth and its connection to land animals today.

Terror Birds: The Invasion of Prehistoric Predators

How did the Titanis end up taking over the Americas as the most formidable apex predator? Scrimble explores the Terror Birds and the adaptations that made them so succ...

La Brea Tar Pits: The Fossil Site With One Big Mystery

What mysteries does this fossil formation hold? Scrimble unearths the La Brea Tar Pits and all the animals (and humans) that are found in it.

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